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Senior Pictures For Amber

Amber was set on having her senior pictures taken in Bowler Wisconsin.  Colleen showed us a great place at the Bowler Ranger Station.  Boy, I sure wished I could take that place home.  What a beautiful place!  Of course it was delightful to work with my own daughter.  With this being a new place we had to try out all the wonderful spots we’d come across.  She was enjoying it and of course so was I.   So we ended up getting more than enough pictures.  She went through and narrowed it down to these that I’m posting.  Thanks Amber!

Boys & Water Equals Fun!

Some boys just know how to have fun!  Our family was in Bowler Wisconsin visiting family.  While we were there we spent a wonderful afternoon at the Bowler Ranger Station.  A wonderful location for a photographer.  Auntie Colleen showed us the beautiful park.  She brought along her two sweet grandkids.  Brianna helped Amber and I capture senior portraits of Amber.  Of course I couldn’t resist taking pictures of the two boys.  They sure had fun playing in that stream while waiting on me.

Cortright Boys

Bowler Wisconsin Ranger Station


Playing in the stream

Fun in the Water

Watching the grandkids play in the Water

Boys in the Stream

Barefoot in the water

Playing in the Water

Feet in the Water

Splashing and Playing in the Stream

Sitting on the Rock in the stream


It’s almost September!  I can’t believe it….where did my summer go?  This reminds me of those little mini whirlwinds that comes up on those hot summer days.  They come in instantly, blow hard and fast, and then just as suddenly they are gone.  This is how my summer seems to have gone.  Yet I enjoyed the ride for the most part.

In fact there are a number of photographs that I’d like to share so I guess I’ll be doing that here in the future.

One of the big photograph events I covered was at the BHBFTA Show that was held in Thermopolis Wyoming a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve been busy sorting all of those Big Horn Basin Foxtrotter Show pictures to make it easier for the customers to look at.  They will be sorted by rider numbers/names so it will be much easier to look at.  Hopefully in the next few days I will have it done and get them posted onto my site.   This show was a new challenge for me because it was held at an indoor arena.  So I got to try my skills for indoor photography.  Overall I’m pleased with the way they turned out considering everything.

One of the other events I love to cover is the Moonrock event held in Worland Wyoming.  It’s taken place this very weekend but sadly I’m not able to make it this year.  It’s one I love to cover because there are some awesome riders there!  Hopefully next year!

Right after the BHBFTA show our family took off for a trip to see family out in Bowler Wisconsin.  My daughter wanted her senior pictures taken there in Bowler.  My Auntie Colleen showed us an awesome spot and of course we had fun with it.  My auntie said it was like I had walked into a “Candy shop” because of all my ‘ahhhs and wows and we’ve gotta try this”!  I’ll be posting those after Amber selects her top favorites.

On the way there we stopped in to see my husband cousin Chris and his little family in Minnesota (outside of Alexandria).  It was a great place to stop in for about an hour or so for a break since we were driving straight through.  Of course as a photographer you can’t miss opportunities of capturing pictures of cute kids and family.  So naturally I took some quick pictures (my family didn’t think it was too quick-hee hee) of this cute family.  So today I’ll share them.  There weren’t so many to choose from so it was fast to choose from, edit, and post.  So enjoy.

Gleneske Family Postcard Picture Design

Using the collection of my favorite pictures I created this postcard using all of my digital scrapbook design skills to create this cute card.  Some of these digital papers and elements will be offered for sale at my scrapbook site in the future.

Here is the pictures posted separately.

Glenetske Family Portrait

Glenetske Child Portrait

Gleneske Child Portrait

Amber Prom Pictures

Last weekend Amber went to help her friend decorate for the LDS Prom night held in Cody.  The theme was “the Wizard of Oz”.  When she got home later that day she had Bri (her sister-in-law) come over and help her fix her hair.  So we got a picture of the two of them together.

She used a dress that I wore to my high school Prom many moons ago.  It was a dress my mother made for me.  So I thought it was pretty awesome that she wanted to wear it.

Anyhow I had work all day, so I hurried home from my last job so I could take some quick pictures of her before she left to go to the Prom.  Amber wanted a picture with us together.  So you’ll see a picture of us together as well.  Of course…she’s all dolled up to go to the Prom and here is her mother just back from work.

Warm Weather…

means photography opportunities!  Call for your appointment today.  The 10th caller will get a spring discount of 35% .  Looking forward to serving you.

Photography Service Added

Working as I do so closely with the digital scrapbooking industry has opened my eyes to a new trend.  So about a year ago I started to offer a new service to my clients.  They can choose to purchase a digital CD of their photography session.  So if this is something that interest you then give me a call so I can explain the package deal.  So far this service is provided only to my portrait sessions.

One Year Anniversary

Well it’s not really the kind of anniversary one likes to mention.  So why do I, especially here on my photo blog?  Well because it has been a huge part of our family lives for the last year.  It’s something that can’t be ignored or forgotten about.  Of course it’s not pleasant to experience either!

TODAY….is our One year Anniversary of Steve’s (my husband) layoff from work.  Yep we are part of the unemployment stats in the USA.

Here is the summary of the year:

  • Lots of promises of jobs/work that’s fallen through
  • Steve has applied to so many jobs
  • Steve Worked hard on his own company (ParseTree) trying to get contracts/building clients (not easy in this economy)
  • He’s managed to get some contracts throughout the 2009 year (yet not enough to support a family on as of yet)
  • Had a son get married out of State in Dec
  • Benefited from some very generous friends
  • Learned that some people has tons of advise
  • Felt blessed for the families general good health
  • Grateful to understanding kids
  • Yuk to 7 days a week work for me but feeling extremely grateful to have it
  • Feel grateful for being able to make it this far in one year…so far we haven’t fallen behind on bills
  • What an emotional roller coaster ride the year has given us with extreme highs and extreme lows, that can change very quickly.
  • To bad the federal government hasn’t adjusted its budget like we have been forced to.  We certainly couldn’t act like them and get away with it.
  • Forced to prioritize important from unimportant expenses.
  • Has been blessed by a higher power and know of the reality of it.

Just to clarify some questions I’ve been asked over the last several months:  Yes I still do pictures and photo sessions!!  Fortunately my schedule does allow for the flexibility to do the thing I love most!  So please feel free to contact me if you need a photo session done.  This is the work I love the best and would like more of!

Eagles and Hawks

My challenge for a number of years has been to capture a fantastic photo of an eagle or hawk.  My eye has gotten where I can spot them quickly, mostly when driving down the road.  Often times I don’t bother stopping because of several reasons such as a bad angle, by the time I came up close they flew off, traffic is such that it’s not safe to stop, etc…

My regular job that I work at has started up again, which requires me to drive about an hour up a canyon to where I work and an hour back.  This gives me plenty of opportunity to see these magnificant birds.  Only problem the opportunity to capture them hasn’t worked out.

On my way home, I tried by having my camera out and ready, but still no success.  These creatures are smart, once you slow down or stop they know something is up, and they will fly away faster than you can pull the camera out.

Yesterday I was coming home from a job and saw the most amazing thing.  Only problem is, that I didn’t bring my camera.  Total bummer, for it would have been perfect.  There was a dead rabbit on the back road.  I see lots of ravens, and as I came closer-slowing down-I noticed that there was an eagle in the center of the road,  eating the rabbit.  The ravens flew off, but the eagle was so busy eating that he didn’t pay much attention to me.

So I  drove extremely slow towards where this eagle was eating off the rabbit on the roadway.    I was able to get within 6 to 9 feet of it.  The bad thing is, I didn’t have my camera with me.  I would have been able to take some fabulous pictures of it, with how close I was and the angle, etc.

Instead, I watched it and observed it for nearly 15 minutes.  Fortunately for me their was no traffic on the road, and the eagle was so busy eating that it didn’t fly away when I moved into its zone.  It was interesting to watch it so closely as it devoured the meal.  It would use its beak to tear the rabbit fur off, then peel into the flesh and eat it.  The strength in it’s beak was something else.  Then to see it’s feet cling to the kill to steady it while it tugged at it with it’s beak was fascinating.

So much for the perfect picture…this is like the third time to have a opportunity like this, and miss it because I didn’t have my camera with me.  You’d think I’d learn.  Maybe someday.

Oh My Goodness “Meine Gute!”

Had to add in a bit of German there.  It fits!  The last number of weeks seem like a BIG whirlwind with so much going on, that I had to make decisions.  Those decisions included putting a number of things on hold while focusing on the most important thing in my life which is family.  Family will always come first.  Christmas season is normally a busy time anyhow, but throw in a son’s wedding, one can only image what that can do.

I will remember this Christmas season as a season of miracle; with caring people who opened their hearts in many ways.  This made things fall into place that only a month earlier I was wondering how to pull it all off.  I’m not going to elaborate on the details except to say that I’ve been blessed!  In the end I’ve gained yet another wonderful daughter-in-law!

Then, I’ve been cleaning up after company, Christmas, open house, trip and trying to again become organized if there is ever such a thing and once again get into a regular schedule.  (wink).  But then….who knows what else will come fill the void.  Wait, did I say void?  Never mind, most should understand what I mean.

Here is my son and his wonderful new wife in a scrapbook page I put together of them.  All the photo’s are by me except maybe the upper right hand one.  That one her Dad (also a photographer/artist) may have taken using my camera.  The digital Scrapbook kit is by one of my most favorite designers Jenny Binder.  Her kit “Winter Frost” seemed perfect for this winter wedding.  The colors were perfect; except I did recolor some papers to include purple since it was also part of Bri’s colors for her reception/open house.  Beautiful bride and groom don’t you think?  Ok, I know I’m a bit biased.

I started out with one daughter (right) and now have two more beautiful and wonderful daughters added.  Amber Skye joined our family almost two years ago (left).  Married to Sean.  Brianna is my newest daughter (center).  Married to Ryan.  My boys have done a good job.

Ok here is a picture of my boys!  Yep,  every one of them.  Aren’t they a good looking crew?  I know, I’m very biased, for that is how Mom’s are.

Here is our newest family picture.  It’s the first time we’ve been all together for quite a few years.  So this is my treasure!  My family.

Here is the man I love most.  My dear husband and friend Steve!

Anniversary Day

Yesterday was my Anniversary.  It’s hard to believe that it was 27 years ago that we got married.  Little did we know what we did to our parents when we picked “our day” so close to Christmas.  Well now we are getting paid back.  Would I change it?  No, not at all.

The other day I was visiting with my dear mother-in-law and we were commenting on December weddings.  Why?…because weddings in December seem to be a family tradition that is being carried on.  My in-laws got married right after Christmas.  We got married right before Christmas and now my son is getting married right after Christmas.  We laughed saying “pay backs” will come to them someday.

Would I have my son move the wedding date?  Absolutely not!  It adds a lot to the “to do list” but I’m soooo happy for them and support them fully.  So am I getting everything done on my “to do list”?  Absolutely not, but it’s ok.   As to celebrating “our” anniversary…it was in a small but meaningful way.  We’ll take time to celebrate it later when things slow down some.  We know we have each other and grateful for each day we have together.

Here is a scrapbook page I created for our 25th wedding anniversary.

Here is another page created using the same scrapbook kit featuring our Wedding Day.  I’ve made more but I’ll just show the one.